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Koda Hendrix

From Manuscript to Bookshelf: Lessons and Tips from One Paranormal Romance Author’s Traditional Publishing Journey

From Manuscript to Bookshelf: Lessons and Tips from One Paranormal Romance Author’s Traditional Publishing Journey

by Ines Gray

(Original blog posted on the Adventures in Literature website)

So, you’ve poured your heart and soul into crafting a manuscript, and now you’re ready to take the next big step — getting published. 

Strap in and get ready for a ride. If traditional publishing is your goal, you’ll need a stiff upper lip, resilience, and persistence. It’s a rollercoaster. If you're prone to getting your soul crushed by negative feedback and rejection, pursuing the traditional publishing route might not be for you. In this blog, I’ll take you through the lessons I’ve learned on my journey from manuscript to bookshelf … well soon to be bookshelf since I’m still amid the journey. But if you’re curious about the process, stick around. Through my own experience, I’ll share tips and lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Unsplash - navigating the publishing journey photo by Aaron Burden

Crafting Your Masterpiece Let’s start at the beginning. Crafting your masterpiece is where it all begins. If you submit a weak manuscript to agents or publishers, you’ll be inundated with rejections. You’ve got this amazing story burning inside you, but how do you turn it into something that makes an agent or publisher sit up and take notice?

Interested in reading the entire guest blog? Finish reading the original post I wrote for Adventures in Literature here.

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